The Tibetan Education Fund provides Tibetans with access to high-quality education to ensure young people are prepared for the future.
Our Strategy
We award educational scholarships and supportive resources to individuals who come from Tibetan immigrant and refugee communities.
What We Fund
We invest in education for Tibetan refugees living in exile around the world as well as Tibetan immigrants as they establish their new lives and build new futures outside Tibet.
Scholarships for Individuals
Since 1959, thousands of Tibetan refugees have resettled outside Tibet with many aspiring to achieve higher education. However, refugees and children of refugees can face significant challenges when it comes to succeeding at university. Scholarships and supportive resources allow students the freedom to focus on their studies.

Grants for Organizations
Tibetan Education Fund is interested in addressing the opportunities and challenges that come with blending cultures, languages and beliefs to strengthen our shared communities. A portion of our funds will be dedicated towards local organizations that serve immigrants, refugees and their children. We approach these organizations directly and do not accept unsolicited funding proposals.
Scholarship Eligibility
As part of this mission, we are proud to provide Western system academic pursuits or traditional types of Tibetan education and monastic learning. Scholarships are awarded to qualified students to attend or affiliate with an accredited university or monastery. We focus our efforts on young people of Tibetan descent, especially those from low-income backgrounds.
Preference will be given to applicants who fulfill one or more of the following criteria:
First-generation to attend college or receive a traditional Tibetan or monastic education
Demonstrated financial need
Demonstrated academic excellence
Scholarships Eligibility, Application & Review Process
The student should be able to demonstrate Tibetan Heritage.
Each candidate must provide academic transcript of grades.
All candidates must provide the following information: Name, Address, Telephone, Birth Date, Grade Point Average, Career Goal, List of Extracurricular and Community Service Activities.

Tibetan Educational Scholarship
These scholarships are intended for motivated students to have the opportunity to earn an academic degree or traditional Tibetan or monastic education.

Nursing Scholarship
The goal of this scholarship is to support students on a pathway towards earning a degree in Nursing.

Donate to the Tibetan Education Fund

Founders Catherine and Jeffrey Granett with His Holiness the 33rd Abbot of Menri Monastery

About Us
Established in 2018, the Tibetan Education Fund's mission is to help ease the financial barriers that stand between individuals pursuing a college degree or traditional Tibetan education, or monastic learning. We understand that displacement is an impediment for the children of refugee and asylum-seeking immigrants. Without a quality education it is nearly impossible to make a new life and obtain a professional career in a new country. Our scholarships help youth become economically mobile and develop self-sufficiency as, integrated and contributing members of their communities.
My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
- Dalai Lama

People everywhere have the same desires for basic human rights including freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, freedom to speak one’s native language, freedom to elect leaders democratically and freedom to live peacefully without threat under laws that honor moral decency. In every Tibetan community all over the world there is unyielding solidarity and a commitment to speak the Tibetan language and to teach the Tibetan culture to future generations.

Founder's Message

© 2024 Tibetan Education Fund